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Hello, and welcome! I’m Upasana Kapadia (known as @ticklesandtomatoes on Instagram) Here you’ll find bits and pieces of my life’s experiences- motherhood, relationships, new recipes, travel, family, setting up our home and of course my two beautiful children, Avi (7) and Ava (2) But as much as I love setting up my home and making it look neat, it’s impossible with my 2 amazing kids arounds. I’m sure all you wonderful mommies can relate with me on this.
I grew up in Gujarat, India where I spent most of my childhood and then moved to Mumbai, India for work. 11 years ago I got married to the love of my life, Mihir and moved to Virginia, USA with him.

I’m passionate about travelling, trying new recipes, working out, meeting new people, being a good person and all those things that make me feel like me.
I started this blog when I had my first baby, Avi and I loved writing about all our memories and adventures and along the way I even met a lot of new mommies like me who I could relate to. Motherhood can be hard and some days you feel like you aren’t doing enough, some days I do feel overwhelmed but trust me I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

I want my blogs to make my readers feel like they are having a conversation with their most trusted girl friend, having a sweet time drinking coffee while we share all our amazing experiences and moments.

Thank you for clicking on this blog and reading about me. I promise to be real and raw with you guys. I’m so happy to have you here. I’d also love to have a chat with you-